@incollection{prinsloo_ethics_2017, address = {Alberta, Canada}, edition = {1}, title = {Ethics and {Learning} {Analytics}: {Charting} the ({Un}){Charted}}, isbn = {978-0-9952408-0-3}, url = {http://solaresearch.org/hla-17/hla17-chapter1}, abstract = {As the field of learning analytics matures, and discourses surrounding the scope, de nition, challenges, and opportunities of learning analytics become more nuanced, there is bene t both in reviewing how far we have come in considering associated ethical issues and in looking ahead. This chapter provides an overview of how our own thinking has developed and maps our journey against broader developments in the eld. Against a backdrop of technological advances and increasing concerns around pervasive surveillance and the role and unintended consequences of algorithms, the development of research in learning analytics as an ethical and moral practice provides a rich picture of fears and realities. More importantly, we begin to see ethics and privacy as crucial enablers within learning analytics. The chapter brie y locates ethics in learning analytics in the broader context of the forces shaping higher education and the roles of data and evidence before tracking our personal research journey, highlighting current work in the eld, and concluding by mapping future issues for consideration.}, booktitle = {The {Handbook} of {Learning} {Analytics}}, publisher = {Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)}, author = {Prinsloo, Paul and Slade, Sharon}, editor = {Lang, Charles and Siemens, George and Wise, Alyssa Friend and GaĊĦevic, Dragan}, year = {2017}, pages = {49--57} }