Submission Guidelines

General information

Double Blind Review 

To maintain the technical quality of the conference as it continues to grow in size and variety, LAK22 continues to use double-blind review for all categories of submission, with the exception of the Doctoral Consortium (for which supervisor letters of support are required) and Interactive Demonstrations (as video recordings are difficult to blind).

In double-blind review:

  • Reviewers’ identities are not disclosed to authors.
  • Authors’ identities are not disclosed to reviewers. Moreover, reviewers will respect the spirit of the double-blind process, treating each submission on its own merits, and not seek to research the authors’ identities.

To ensure double-blind review:

  • Submissions should omit author names, affiliations, acknowledgements
  • Other details (such as URLs and project/product names that may disclose identity) should also be omitted or disguised . 
  • Relevant self-references to authors’ published work that are essential to a proper review should be included, but written in the third person (e.g. “Previous work by Smith [27] has shown…”). The goal and spirit of double-blind review is to create uncertainty about authorship, which is sufficient to realize most of its benefits.

On the rationale and evidence for double-blind review, see McKinley (2015) and Snodgrass (2007).

Additional Information & Contacting Organizers

For full conceptual details for any LAK22 submission category, please refer to the General Call for Papers. The below submission guidelines are meant to only provide technical and formatting information for each submission type. 

For the full listing of LAK22 deadlines, please refer to our LAK22 Important Dates

For general LAK22 questions, please contact organizers at

Research Track Guidelines

Submission Types

Following ACM guidelines, submissions to LAK22 must be in ACM’s one column format. Published proceedings will appear in ACM two column format .

Full research papers (up to 16 pages in ACM 1 column format, including references)

Short research papers (up to 10 pages in ACM 1 column format, including references) 

Preparing Your Full or Short Paper Submission

  • Use the ACM 1 column format proceedings template -  
    • For LAK22, we are recommending using LaTeX for your submissions. We have found that LaTeX authors experience fewer upload errors with the TAPS system which is the system that we authors will use to upload their final camera ready files (pending ACM approval). 
      • LaTeX template: Use the “manuscript” call to create a single column format. Please review the LaTeX documentation and ACM’s LaTeX best practices guide should you have any questions.
        • Overleaf Platform: Overleaf is an open-source online real-time collaborative LaTeX editor. The platform automatically compiles the document while an author writes, so the author can see what the finished file will look like in real time. The Overleaf ACM Conference Proceedings template can be used for writing your manuscript. A series of Overleaf Guides are available that can help you in the preparation of your submission.
      • Microsoft Word template: You will need to install the required libertine font on your machine (zip file, 3.5mb). 
        • Please note that Microsoft Word is still an acceptable format to use for LAK22, however we have just noted from LAK21 experience that there may be additional time and work required when uploading your final camera ready files. If you are interested in using LaTeX, have reviewed the documentation and still have questions, please reach out to us at for assistance. 
  • Remove all identifying information
    • Research track submissions use the double-blind review process described above. To ensure double-blind review:
      • Submissions should omit author names, affiliations, acknowledgements
    • Other details (such as URLs and project/product names that may disclose identity) should also be omitted or disguised . 
    • Relevant self-references to authors’ published work that are essential to a proper review should be included, but written in the third person (e.g. “Previous work by Smith [27] has shown…”). The goal and spirit of double-blind review is to create uncertainty about authorship, which is sufficient to realize most of its benefits.
  • Pay attention to the page limits for each submission type.
  • Upload your submission via LAK22 EasyChair submission system. The submission must be made before the official deadline (4 October 2021, 23:59 GMT-12). There will be no extensions for LAK22.

Deadlines for Full / Short Research Papers

  • 4 Oct 2021: Deadline for submission
  • 8 Nov 2021: Rebuttal submissions open
  • 15 Nov 2021: Deadline for rebuttal submissions
  • 3 Dec 2021: Notification of acceptance
  • 20 Dec 2021:3 JAN 2022 Deadline for camera-ready versions of all accepted full and short research papers
  • 14 March 2022: Proceedings available in ACM digital library (pending ACM approval)


Practitioner and Corporate Learning Analytics Track Guidelines

Submission Types

Practitioner reports may be between 2 and 4 pages in length using the LAK companion proceedings template (including references) and should include:

  • Title 
  • Abstract 
  • Keywords (up to 6 keywords)
  • Background about why/how the project or product was developed. This might include: 
    • Problem you are trying to solve
    • Description of the system (e.g. functionality)
  • Description of implementation. This might include:
    • Audience/users (e.g. students, instructors, support staff) and scale (e.g. 10 users)
    • Duration of the project
    • Support (e.g. was the project centrally funded/staffed by your organization)
  • Results/findings of project evaluation or product usage. This might include: 
    • Key challenges in implementation
    • Notes for practice for other users/implementers

For full conceptual details, please refer to the LAK22 Call for Papers

Preparing Your Submission

  • PaC-LA reports are using double-blind review process, so please remove all identifying details from text. However, Interactive demos do not need to be de-identified since it can be very hard to disguise real systems.
  • The PaC-LA track submissions should use LAK companion proceedings template
  • Upload your submissions via LAK22 EasyChair submission system. The submission must be made before the official deadline (4 October 2021, 23:59 GMT-12). There will be no extensions for LAK22.

Deadlines for Practitioner & Corporate LA Track:

  • 4 Oct 2021: Deadline for submission
  • 3 Dec 2021: Notification of acceptance
  • 20 Dec 2021: Deadline for camera-ready versions of practitioner reports

Posters and Demonstrations Guidelines

Preparing Your Submission

Poster Submissions - 3 pages, LAK companion proceedings template, including references 

Interactive Demo Submissions -  should include a 200-word abstract and movie link using the LAK companion proceedings template and a demo movie no more than five minutes in length.

Deadlines for Poster/Demo Track:

  • 17 Dec 2021: Deadline for poster and interactive demo submissions
  • 14 Jan 2022: Notification of acceptance for posters/demos and papers submitted to individual workshops
  • 31 Jan 2022: Deadline for camera-ready versions of posters/demos

For the full list of deadlines please refer to LAK22 Important Dates.

Pre-conference Event Track Guidelines

Submission Types

Proposals should be a maximum of four pages using the LAK companion proceedings template and should include the following information in order to enable reviewers to judge the importance, quality, and benefits for the LAK community.

  • Organizational details of proposed event:
    • Type of event (Interactive Workshop, Mini-track Symposium, Tutorial etc.)
    • Proposed duration (half-day or full-day) 
    • The workshop/tutorial activities that participants should expect: e.g., symposia elements, birds of a feather, group-based demos, discussion groups, presentations, poster sessions, etc.
    • Proposed schedule / itinerary in which the activities will take place
    • Expected / maximum participant numbers and planned channels to recruit attendees
  • Workshop/tutorial objectives or intended outcomes
    • What are the objectives that the workshop or tutorial aims to achieve? 
    • How will these outcomes be disseminated? (e.g. #hashtag of the event, mailing lists, etc.) 
    • If the workshop invites contributions (in the form of papers), will these be published in any form (e.g. CEUR proceedings)? [Please note only the overall workshop proposal will appear in the LAK Companion Proceedings]
    • How will the outcomes of the workshop be shared out to participants and the wider community? (e.g. will the workshop produce open access documents or notes synthesising key outcomes and agreed follow-on activities?)
  • Planned mechanism(s) for communicating information and resources
    • How will potential attendees find out about the intended content and structure of the event?
    • How will you share information and resources with participants before, during and after the event?
    • Consider what tools will best meet your purpose, for example a website, shared google drive, mailing list, Slack workspace
  • References

For workshops with a submission/application process, we suggest that workshop chairs follow this timeline:

  • 4 Oct 2021: Deadline for submission to organize workshops/tutorials 
  • 21 Oct 2021: Notification of acceptance for workshop/tutorial organization
  • 17 Dec 2021: Deadline for submission of papers to individual workshops that issue calls**
  • 14 Jan 2022: Notification of acceptance for papers submitted to individual workshops** 
  • 31 Jan 2022: Deadline for camera-ready versions of workshop/tutorial organizer docs and any individual papers** accepted by workshops

**Workshop Paper Submissions - this term refers to papers submitted to be presented within an accepted LAK pre-conference workshop. Many LAK workshops are mini-symposium style and issue calls for papers. Please visit the pre-conference schedule when available, to view which workshops have CFP’s that you may submit to.

Preparing Your Submission

  • Pre-conference event proposals should be using double-blind review process, so please remove all identifying details from your submissions.
  • The submissions should use LAK companion proceedings template

Upload your submissions via LAK22 EasyChair submission system by the submission deadline. For the full list of deadlines please refer to LAK22 Important Dates.

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)