News and Announcements

For Covid-19 related announcements, click here.

26 Oct 2020 - LAK21 Moves Fully Online

Dear Learning Analytics Community, 

Given the current realities of the global pandemic due to COVID-19, there continues to be uncertainty of international travel and mass gatherings for the foreseeable future. Taking these concerns into consideration, the LAK21 organizers and the Society for Learning Analytics Research have made the decision to host LAK21 fully online. SoLAR is making the decision at this time to enable planning specifically for this mode with the aim of creating an even more engaging and interactive conference program than the first virtual LAK. We hope to build on the success of LAK20 that was transitioned within 10 days from a hybrid event to a fully virtual event. 

Along with this update on the format of the conference, the official conference dates will also go back to the traditional Monday - Friday LAK schedule. Given the current circumstances, we understand that work-life balance is more important than ever, therefore, now that we no longer have to work around a physical venue, organizers believe that a Monday - Friday schedule is the best option. Monday & Tuesday will be pre-conference events and Wednesday - Friday will be the main conference. Please reserve Monday, April 12 - Friday, April 16, 2021 for LAK21.

What does this mean for me?

Authors/Presenters: As previously announced, virtual presentations were already being planned for LAK21. Now, all presentations will be held online. Finalized details will be shared as we continue to build out the program. Please continue to hold the official conference dates in your calendars to accommodate your LAK21 presentations.

Attendees: All portions of the LAK21 conference such as full/short/practitioner presentations, workshops, posters/demos and doctoral consortium will still take place. Full information on the final length and presentation format will be shared soon as we finalize the details. Please continue to hold the official conference dates in your calendars to accommodate your attendance. Final scheduling details will be shared as we finalize the program. 

Please visit our FAQ page as we continue to answer your questions.

Thank you for your understanding and we hope to see you online in April 2021!

Should you have additional questions, please email


25 Sep 2020 - LAK21 ACM Template

LAK21 Research papers will now follow the one column ACM format. Given the recent approval of LAK21’s ICPS approval to be published by the ACM Digital Library, we are required to follow the one column format for the review process. You can read about ACM’s reasoning and more information on this new workflow here

Due to the new formatting, the Program & Organizing Committees have altered the length of the Full and Short papers to allow for comparable length to the old format. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience that this change has caused. 

  • Full research papers (up to 16 pages inclusive of references, ACM proceedings one column template) 
  • Short research papers (up to 10 pages inclusive of references, ACM proceedings one column template) 

Should you have further questions regarding paper length or format, please contact us at

As a reminder, the submission deadline for the research track (Full and Short papers) is 1 Nov 2020. You can review all LAK21 submission deadlines here.

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)