News and Announcements

29 September 2022

Dear Learning Analytics Community, 

Due to two major hurricanes that have affected large parts of Eastern North America, LAK23 organizers have made the decision to extend the submission guideline for all authors for (regardless of location) 72 hours.

The new deadline for full and short research papers, practitioner papers and workshop proposals is now October 6, 2022 at 11:59pm AOE.

Reviewing and Notification dates remain the same. Due to time constraints, no further extensions will be possible.

05 May 2022

Dear Learning Analytics Community, 

COVID-19 continues to cause severe social, economic and educational disruptions.  We have been managing the impacts from these disruptions on our members and moved major events such as LAK and LASI fully online since 2020.

At this time, the majority of educational conferences are running hybrid events which acknowledges the challenges for many individuals such as funding, travel, visas, etc. SoLAR is committed to inclusion and diversity while at the same time, recognizing the desire to come face to face again as a community after three years of fully online events.

Unfortunately, parts of Asia are seeing an upsurge in COVID cases and as COVID cases rise in regional cities, Japanese officials say a seventh wave is imminent. Japan is one of the few countries in the world to still have closed borders for tourists and as the Prime Minister Kishida announced on April 8, “Japan has no immediate plans to allow foreign tourists to enter Japan.”

All individuals need visas to enter Japan, and with the uncertainty of the timing of Japanese borders opening to tourists in addition to the increased length of time visa application approvals are taking, SoLAR has taken a proactive approach that maximises opportunities for individuals to come together in person rather than risking a 4th fully virtual LAK format.

In close collaboration with the involved local organising teams, SoLAR is therefore pivoting  and has rearranged the LAK23 and LAK24 locations to ensure the Learning Analytics community will be able to come together face-to-face or participate virtually as their choice in LAK conferences in 2023 and 2024.

We have worked very closely with the Kyoto University LAK organising team to host a high quality conference in the Asian region with the largest possible face-to-face audience as well as the University of Texas at Arlington LAK organising team and a big thank you to both of them for the work that has been taken to pivot these two events.

We are pleased then to announce that LAK23 will be held March 13-17, 2023 on campus and hybrid at the University of Texas at Arlington and LAK24 will be held tentatively March 4 - 8, 2024, (there might be a slight shift in dates) at the Kyoto International Conference Center with Kyoto University.

Further details will be coming shortly about the Call for Papers for LAK23 with submission deadline October 3, 2022.

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)