Register Now for June 15, 2023 Webinar

It is our pleasure to invite you to SoLAR Webinar "Unveiling the Power of Affect during Learning" presented by Elizabeth Cloude from University of Pennsylvania. This webinar will present an interdisciplinary perspective that merges an affect framework with complex adaptive systems theory.

Time and date: June 15, 11am-12pm CDT (12pm New York, 5pm London, 1am Tokyo)
Location: Zoom (meeting URL provided in the registration email)

We are looking forward to seeing you at the webinar! Make sure you follow SoLAR's Eventbrite page to get updates for the future events.

Abstract: In the realm of education, affect has long been acknowledged as a significant factor that impacts learning. Represented by cognitive structures in the mind, affect is described as a mood, feeling, or emotion, which transmits information about the world we experience and compels us to act and make decisions. Research finds that an inability (or ability) to regulate affect (e.g., confusion or frustration) can greatly impact how an individual learns with educational technologies (e.g., intelligent tutoring systems, game-based learning environments, MOOCs). Yet, there are significant theoretical, methodological, and analytical challenges impeding our understanding on how to best identify (and intervene) if and when affect becomes detrimental during learning with educational technologies.

In the "Unveiling the Power of Affect during Learning" webinar, Elizabeth Cloude will discuss state-of-the-art research findings, theoretical, methodological, and analytical approaches, and their challenges. Next, an interdisciplinary perspective that merges an affect framework with complex adaptive systems theory will be presented and two illustrative cases will be demonstrated. Finally, new research tools and directions will be considered for examining how the design of educational technologies can positively influence affect, engagement, knowledge acquisition, and learning outcomes. Opportunities and challenges regarding affect learning analytics will be discussed.


Elizabeth Cloude is postdoctoral research fellow in the Penn Center for Learning Analytics at the University of Pennsylvania. She explores the role of affect on cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational (CAMM) processes that emerge during self-regulated learning (SRL) and its relation to learning and performance with educational technologies and multimodal learning analytics. Her background is in psychology, learning sciences, educational technology, and instructional design, and in 2021, she completed her PhD in Education and Learning Sciences. She was recently awarded the Marie Curie European Postdoctoral Fellowship at Tampere University (to start in Fall 2023), where her active and future research will leverage a multi-modal mixed methods approach to study affect as a non-linear dynamical system and study its relation to cognition and learning outcomes with a game-based learning environment.