Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

SoLAR supports a range of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to provide opportunities for active collaboration and professional learning among people who group around a common interest topic in learning analytics. To join an existing SoLAR SIG, reach the SIG coordinator directly using contact details provided in their web page.

Are you interested in starting a new Special Interest Group? If so, please review the SoLAR SIG guidelines. Once you have reviewed the guidelines and would like to proceed to submit a proposal to the SIG working group, please complete the Google Form to submit your proposal for review. All SIG proposals are reviewed by the SIG working group and then require approval by the SoLAR Executive Committee. Notifications of SoLAR decision will be made no later than 8 weeks after submission.

SoLAR SIG Working Group members: Shibani Antonette, Charles Lang, Kirsty Kitto, Kathryn Bartimote, Rogers Kaliisa and Peter Groothengel

Current SoLAR SIGs

  • Graduate Student SIG Unifying graduate students working in learning analytics to facilitate training and collaboration opportunities within the SoLAR community.
  • Multimodal Learning Analytics Across Spaces (CrossMMLA) SIG The Cross-MMLA SIG aims to promote further research that considers the challenges of making sense of complex educational data that involve multiple interaction modalities, people and learning spaces. To understand and optimize learning traces from the real world requires new degrees of sophistication across technology, learning, and design; and to build upon the ongoing and previous work from the Learning Analytics and related communities.
  • Learning Analytics Community Europe (LACE) SIG The overall objective of the SIG LACE is the continuation of the work done by the European project LACE (Learning Analytics Community Exchange) that resulted in a tangible and mature European community for learning analytics research.
  • Learning Analytics - Asia (LA-Asia) SIG While the SOLAR community continues to grow globally, SIG LA-Asia shall concentrate on the technology-enhanced teaching and learning initiatives in Asia which involves learning analytics research and practice. It shall provide a platform to different stakeholders in an Asian educational setting to engage, ideate and act locally to create global solutions.
  • Special Interest Group on Writing Analytics (SIGWA) The Special Interest Group on Writing Analytics (SIGWA) will facilitate discussion on writing analytics research by researchers, writing tool developers, theorists and practitioners to foster a research and practice community in writing analytics.
  • Learning Analytics for Latin America (LALA) SIG The main goal of this SIG is to promote good research and practice of LA in Latin America. Specifically, we aim to: 1) facilitate knowledge exchange among Latin American and international communities related to learning analytics (maintain the LALA community), 2) support local initiatives of learning analytics, 3) enable the exchange of best practices and guidelines for learning analytics research, 4) advance learning analytics research and practice.
  • Methodology in Learning Analytics (MLA) SIG The goals of Methodology in Learning Analytics SIG are to i) build an active community within SoLAR focused on supporting and enhancing methodological practice in learning analytics, and ii) to develop a repository of resources that provide compact, substantive guidance on methodological issues.
  • Responsible Learning Analytics (RELA) SIG By Responsible Learning Analytics, we refer to the need to create LA systems that are just and ethical but also that consider equity, democratic and solidarity in education.
Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)