SoLAR Awards Committee 2022-2023

Call for SoLAR Community Awards Committee Members

At LAK22, the SoLAR Executive Committee pledged to establish an Awards Committee in order to honour and acknowledge other members of the community for their work and services.  

The Awards Committee consists of six members:

  • The current president of SoLAR (chair)
  • The current President-elect or one of the Vice Presidents
  • The two most recent former presidents
  • Two  SoLAR members

The term of each Award committee is one year (corresponding to the annual LAK conference cycle. 

The committee members will be required to discuss and decide that year’s awards, suggest and review applications and meet online a few times to come to a decision. 

We are therefore now opening a call for SoLAR members to nominate themselves to be participants of the Awards Committee. We are especially looking for people from LA communities with lower representation (i.e. Asia, Africa, Middle East, South America as these are countries with lower representation in SoLAR) in order to keep the committee diverse and inclusive. Eligibility criteria thus are: 

  • Is a SoLAR member
  • Lives and works in regions with lower representation at LAK and in the LA community

To apply, please fill out the following form:

  • Name
  • Institution
  • Location
  • SoLAR Membership Number
  • Years active in the LA community
  • Motivation to join the Awards Committee


Deadline to apply is Monday, November 7, 2022 at 11:59pm AOE.

The applications will be reviewed by the other members of the Awards Committee and the SoLAR executive board. 

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)