Postdoc position on AI in Education

University of Bergen

There is a vacancy for a postdoc researcher at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Bergen, Norway for 3-4 years in AI in Education.

Research theme:
The Faculty of Psychology has a broad thematic profile based on various disciplines and several study programmes. Some of the faculty’s key research areas are basic and applied research in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, health promotion, child welfare services, speech therapy, pedagogy and educational science, as well as global and development-related research.

The faculty aims to facilitate cross-disciplinary research and stimulate interaction with other AI researchers at the faculty and at the University of Bergen.

Among the many possible research topics, we call for prospective postdoc to write a research idea in line with:

AI in higher education, teacher education and schools

The vacant postdoctoral research fellow position will be anchored with the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE),
The interested applicant will write a research idea in line of his interest and relevant to ‘AI in Higher Education or schools’ together with the supervisor, Mohammad Khalil
Offered salary is around 52,000 Euros/615,000 Norwegian Kroner.
Reach out if you are interested in this opportunity and in drafting a research proposal to Mohammad Khalil at

To apply for this job please visit