July 2, 2024

University of Massachusetts Amherst
We are seeking a full-time postdoctoral research associate to work in the machine learning for education (ML4Ed) research group, led by Andrew Lan, at UMass. The postdoc will contribute to research directions including, but not limited to:
First, natural language processing (NLP) for education, including large language model (LLM)-based student modeling, question/feedback/learning content generation, automated scoring and student error diagnosis, etc. Please see https://people.umass.edu/~andrewlan/publications.html and https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZYc-LuMAAAAJ&hl=en for a detailed list of publications from our group.
Second, building a national cyberinfrastructure for transforming STEM education, a $90M project funded via NSF’s mid-scale research infrastructure-2 program. As a research partner on the project, we will help create research infrastructure around major digital learning platforms to enable secure educational research. See https://new.nsf.gov/news/nsf-invests-90m-innovative-national-scientific and https://news.rice.edu/news/2024/rices-openstax-awarded-90m-lead-first-its-kind-nsf-research-hub-transformational-learning.
Ideal candidates have a strong publication record in areas including artificial intelligence, data mining, machine learning, natural language processing, and/or fields such as cognitive science, learning analytics, educational data mining, and psychometrics. Applicants should have a PhD degree (by the time they start) in computer science or a related field (e.g., education, psychology).
Compensation for the position follows our department policy and the timeline for the position is flexible and can be negotiated. Please send your CV to andrewlan@cs.umass.edu if interested.
To apply for this job email your details to andrewlan@cs.umass.edu