Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI)
The SoLAR Learning Analytics Summer Institutes (LASI) ran from 2013 to 2023 in partnership with host universities. At that time, LASI served as an intellectual and social springboard to accelerate the maturation of the discipline. More than a decade later, we have seen the learning analytics field continue to expand and mature as it embraces the multi-disciplinary approach across learning and education.
In addition to those LASIs hosted by SoLAR, a global network of LASI-locals ran their own events. For instance, Australian Learning Analytics Summer Institute (ALASI) is among the largest communities that host their own event every November. In the past, European learning analytics communities organized LASI-Nordic, LASI-Germany, LASI-Spain, among others.
Moving forward, the goal is to empower our regional leaders to host local LASIs that have an immediate impact on their learning, fostering regional collaboration and more. SoLAR will continue to provide guidance to our institutional members and partners around the world to build a high quality LASI experience.
If you are interested in hosting or organizing a LASI-Local, please see our Event In-Cooperation page to view the guidelines along with the In-Cooperation request form. To view any local LASIs, please check out the Local LASI page here.
The SoLAR newsletter sent to our individual members provides timely information about the dates and registration for different LASIs. Become a subscriber today to not miss out on any LASI’s that may take place around the world!
June 6-8, 2023 -- Singapore
We are pleased to announce that along with the National University of Singapore: NUS, we will host an in-person Learning Analytics Summer Institute in Singapore in 2023!
The organizing team is working hard behind the scenes to put together a great program with various topics and skill levels from beginner to intermediate. Each participant will have the opportunity to participate in TWO 2-hour tutorials (on two different topics) and TWO in-depth 5.5-hour workshops.
Further information on the full schedule, program, travel information and scholarships will be made available soon!
June 13-17, 2022 -- Online, Everywhere
We are pleased to announce that along with the University of British Columbia, we will host a virtual Summer Institute in June of 2022.
The organizing team is working hard behind the scenes to put together a great program with various topics and skill levels from beginner to intermediate. Each participant will have the opportunity to participate in TWO 2-hour tutorials (on two different topics) and ONE in-depth workshop which will span multiple days during the week.
Some of the topics to be included are: Intro to LA, Text Analytics, Game Analytics, Learning Theories, Predictive Modeling, Dashboard Design, Programming Bootcamp and more! Full workshop and tutorial details are now available: https://www.solaresearch.org/events/lasi/lasi22/
Registration is now open. Registration deadline is June 1, 2022.
June 21-25, 2021 -- Online, Everywhere
We are pleased to announce that along with the University of British Columbia, we will host a virtual Summer Institute in June of 2021.
The organizing team is working hard behind the scenes to put together a great program with various topics and skill levels from beginner to intermediate. Each participant will have the opportunity to participate in TWO 90-minute tutorials (on two different topics) and ONE in-depth workshop which will span multiple days during the week.
Our audience is the international learning analytics community and we strive to include as many time zones as possible so please stay tuned for our schedule at a glance coming soon.
Some of the topics to be included are: Intro to LA, Text Analytics, Game Analytics, Learning Theories, Predictive Modeling, Tableau, Dashboard Design, Programming Bootcamp and more! Full workshop and tutorial details along with registration and scholarship information will be available in January 2021.
June 8-10, 2020 -- Teachers College Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
(Cancelled) Please see announcement here.
The LASI organising team has been exploring options for hosting the event later in the year. Unfortunately, hosting a face to face event in 2020 is not viable in terms of either securing physical space at the university, individuals being able to travel and/or able to secure funding to attend.
The LASI organising team also believe that hosting an online synchronous event (à la LAK20) is difficult to justify given the nature and purpose of LASI, diversity of time zones and the effort required.
Taking all of the above into consideration, the decision from the SoLAR Executive is to concentrate on supporting local areas to host their own events – LASI Locals – virtually or face to face if that becomes possible in the final few months of the year. All registration fees will be fully refunded.
June 17-19, 2019 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
[Workshop & Tutorials] | [Speakers]
The 2019 Learning Analytics Summer Institute was co-hosted by University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University. The event took place on the University of British Columbia campus in Vancouver, Canada. All meals and workshops took place in the Orchard Commons building. All Keynote sessions took place in the Forest Sciences Centre.
Venue Information:
All LASI18 events, workshops and tutorials will take place at Teachers College Columbia University in Horace Mann & Zankel Hall (except for the June 12 NYU LEARN event in Brooklyn).Sponsors
June 12-15, 2017
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
The 2017 Learning Analytics Summer Institute will be hosted by the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. LASI17 will be not just one big gathering in one place, but a network of online and face-to-face events. This year participants will be able to choose both short half day workshops and immersive workshops from 12 to 15 June 2017.
June 27-29, 2016
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
The sheer amount of data that we generate in the course of our lives is growing exponentially as technology plays a larger and larger part in what we do every day. Nowhere is this fact more important than how information technology has become part of the basic infrastructure for education– in formal and informal settings, playing a role whether we are face-to-face with others or interacting solely online. The “data exhaust” that is generated by the systems used today to support how we teach and how we learn provides an unprecedented opportunity to better understand and support learning, and to question the impact of these technologies on individuals, institutions and culture. This effort, however, is necessarily interdisciplinary and requires the use of a diverse methodological toolset.
The 2016 Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI 16) will directly address the challenge multidisciplinary and multi-methodology. Continuing the momentum of prior summer institutes, LASI 16 will have two primary goals:
- Build the field of Learning Analytics through the advancement of LA methods, cross disciplinary interactions, and connecting researchers and research communities.
- Develop the skills and knowledge of doctoral students and academics, equipping them to engage actively in LA research and teaching.
After the 1st such event in Stanford in 2013, LASI has become a strategic event held annually, organized by the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR). The 2016 institute will be held in Ann Arbor, Michigan in cooperation with the Office of Digital Education and Innovation at the University of Michigan. In parallel a global network of LASI-Locals will run their own gatherings that will be interactive with the participants in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA as well as with each other.
Over the course of three days, participants will engage in a combination of activities, including presentations, hands-on tutorials, group work and ample opportunity for informal interactions.
For the first time at LASI – the hosting university, the University of Michigan, is making a real, yet synthetic (to protect identities) dataset available to the workshop leads to enable participants to learn analytic strategies and techniques and think about the results in context. Activities include presentations from leading researchers, innovative start-ups, and experts from related fields, coupled with panels and workshops… all designed to define the needs of the LA field, identify research gaps and needs, forge the community and demonstrate how a LA research can have meaningful impact on teaching and learning. Participants will leave better equipped to actively engage in advancing the LA field through their teaching and research activities.
We will strive for a careful balance between disciplines, skillsets and seniority in the selection of participants.
Organizing Committee
- Stephanie D Teasley, University of Michigan, USA (Program Co-Chair)
- Tim McKay, University of Michigan, USA (Program Co-Chair)
- Simon Buckingham-Shum, University of Technology Sydney (LASI-Locals chair)
- Phillip Long, University of Texas, Austin, USA
- Grace Lynch, University of New England, Australia
- Srećko Joksimović, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
- Leah Macfadyen, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Xavier Ochoa, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuado
The 2015 Learning Analytics Summer Institutes took place worldwide during the week of June 15-19
The Concept
Sponsored by the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR), the Learning Analytics Summer Institutes (LASI) have become established in the last two years as an awareness-raising, capacity-building, international network of events, where researchers and practitioners can meet to share their work, and envision the future.
This year, 2015, sees an exciting new development. Instead of convening a 3 day ‘hub’ gathering in the US, live-streaming invited keynotes and panels to the world, with “LASI-Locals” tuning into the webcasts and running their own parallel activities, we are decentralizing further. LASI15 will be fully distributed, comprised of locally-tuned, self-organised events.
A new, free SoLAR service is designed to assist this: we are crowdsourcing and curating video materials that LASIs can draw on. In particular, SoLAR invites anybody who wishes to share a video presentation about Learning Analytics to propose this to the SoLAR InfoHub. We’re developing the InfoHub as a new go-to source to find quality learning analytics resources including videos, articles, reports, slidesets and courses. Once your proposed video is accepted, it will be indexed and more discoverable. The InfoHub will be available before, during and after LASI week.
- LASI 2014 Workshop (Monday) – Analyzing Texts using Coh-Metrix
- LASI 2014 Workshop (Monday) – Data visualization and learning analytics, pt 1
- LASI 2014 Workshop (Monday) – Learning Analytics for the Social Media Age
- LASI 2014 Workshop (Monday) – Introduction to Data Mining for Educational Researchers
- LASI 2014 Workshop (Tuesday) – – Data visualization and learning analytics, pt 2
- LASI 2014 Workshop (Tuesday) – Microgenetic methods for learning analytics in the R language
- LASI 2014 Workshop (Tuesday) – Multimodal Learning Analytics (MLA)
- LASI 2014 workshop (Tuesday) – Text mining and educational discourse
Archived Videos
Fourteen exciting videos of talks from LASI’14 including keynotes and panels are available on the SoLAR YouTube Channel (organized chronologically).
LASI2014’s goals of building the LA field and developing the skills of researchers, educators and students will be achieved through a combination of lectures, hands-on tutorials, group work and ample opportunity for informal interactions. Activities include presentations from leading researchers, innovative start-ups, and experts from related fields, coupled with panels and workshops… all designed to define the needs of the LA field, identify research gaps and needs, forge the community and establish a research agenda.
Organizing Committee
- Ryan S.J.d. Baker, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
- Simon Buckingham Shum, The Open University, UK (LASI-Locals chair)
- Shane Dawson, University of South Australia, Australia
- Erik Duval, KU Leuven, Belgium (program co-chair)
- Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada (program co-chair)
- Garron Hillaire, CAST, Inc., USA (Local Organizer)
- Charels Lang, Harvard University, USA (Local Organizer)
- Philip Long, University of Queensland, Australia
- Grace Lynch, University of New England, Australia
- Xavier Ochoa, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador
- Mykola Pechenizkiy, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands (program co-chair)
- Salvador Ros, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain
- George Siemens, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
- Llanos Tobarra, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain
July 1-5, 2013
Stanford University
- Data Mining and Intelligent Tutors
- Dispositional Learning Analytics
- Hacking Educational Data: open tools for techie-educators
- Machine learning
- Market Dynamics to Accelerate the Educational Data Science Field
- Sanity-Driven Data Science
- Building the Educational Data Scientist
- Discourse Analytics: Computational Analysis of Social Positioning in Collaborative Learning Interactions
- Educational Data Scientists
- Quantified Self Technologies and Analytics
- Serious Gaming Analytics
- Social Learning Analytics
- What problems are we trying to solve?
- Approaches to Data Sharing – Data Shop
- Computational Approaches to Analyzing Student performance: Methods and Applications
Institute Leads
- Ryan S.J.d. Baker, Columbia University, Teachers College, USA
- John Behrens, Pearson Education, USA
- Simon Buckingham Shum, The Open University, UK
- Shane Dawson, University of South Australia, AUS
- Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, CA
- Caroline Haythornthwaite, University of British Columbia, CA
- Ken Koedinger, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Grace Lynch, University of New England, AUS
- Taylor Martin, Utah State University, USA
- Roy Pea, Stanford University, USA
- George Siemens, Athabasca University, CA
- Stephanie Teasley, University of Michigan, USA